1. It keeps her promise to end a nearly $1 billion sales tax hike. Gov. Perdue vowed two years ago to end the “temporary” tax hike. Our budget keeps her word.
2. It closes a $2.5 billion budget shortfall. The balanced budget fulfills our constitutional mandate to balance the state’s checkbook.
3. It fuels job growth. Ending the sales tax hike and providing a $50,000 tax exemption for businesses will return billions to the pockets of North Carolina citizens and businesses and help the private sector create thousands of new jobs, according to leading economists.
4. It fully funds classroom teachers and teaching assistants. The governor’s chief objection to original House and Senate budgets was reduced spending for teaching assistants. This budget restores that funding – without raising taxes.
5. It reforms public education. Instead of blindly throwing money at education and accepting graduation rates ranked No. 43 in the nation, our budget makes several improvements to public schools:
a. It adds more than 1,100 additional teachers to grades 1 through 3 to begin reducing class sizes.
b. It implements a performance pay program for teachers and state employees.
c. It ensures students can read at grade level by fourth grade.
d. It adds five days to the school calendar.
a. Funds $56 million in school bus replacement.
b. Provides more than $50 million additional dollars for school construction.
c. Fully funds enrollment growth for K-12 and community colleges for the next two years and for universities in the first year of the biennium.
d. Does not make millions in workers’ compensation and lawsuit costs local responsibilities.
7. It right-sizes state government. The governor says she’s serious about reshaping state government to make it smaller and more efficient. Our budget cuts more than $1 billion from last year’s spending level by consolidating and cutting waste and bureaucracy.
8. It extends unemployment benefits. More than 37,000 North Carolinians will retroactively receive unemployment benefits if our budget becomes law.
9. It adds millions to reserve accounts. The state’s Rainy Day and Repair and Renovation accounts are funded by millions more than the governor’s plan – clearly displaying the state’s fiscal prudence.
10. It’s a compromise. The legislature is meeting the governor more than halfway. She should compromise. North Carolinians deserve elected officials willing to reach across the aisle to get the job done.